We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
3. Disconnect any other devices from the pCO* that are connected in pLAN (e.g. plug out connector J11).
4. Power the pCO* by pressing the “arrow up” and “Alarm” buttons simultaneously. Release the buttons
when on the display appears the message “SELF TEST, PLEASE WAIT”;
5. After a few seconds, the following screen appears:
6. If you wish to change the address, use the “arrow up” and “arrow down” buttons and then press “Enter”
to confirm.
7. Set the address of the pCO* board according to the installation requirement.
3.1.3 Procedure for the identification of the list of terminals for the pCO* boards in the
This procedure is used to enable the terminal(s) envisaged in the network to display the parameters of the I/O
boards present.
Management of the network includes the possibility of enabling a terminal for displaying the parameters of a
given board, in which case it is a private terminal, or of several boards, in which case it is a shared terminal.
A pCO* board can communicate with three terminals at the most and only one of those can be configured as
shared terminal, while the other two must be configured as private terminals.
The procedure for configuring the terminals in the network through the 6-button terminals is a continuation of
the procedure for addressing them.