We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Freecool/heating Ph
Differenziale in
temperatura 3.0°C
Temperature Ph
activation delta
Delta Ph
freecool/heating in
temperatura 03.0°C
This screen is used to set the air temperature differential for temperature-based regulation of free cooling/free
The third line in the screen is used to set the air temperature differential for temperature-based regulation of
free cooling/free heating.
Freecool/heating Pi
Differenziale in
Enthalpy Pi
Freecool/heating Pi
Diferencial en
This screen is used to set the air temperature differential for enthalpy-based regulation of free cooling/free
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the air temperature differential for enthalpy-based regulation of free
cooling/free heating.
Serr.freecooling Pj
(Setpoint estivo)
Offset -02.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Freec.shutter Pj
(summer setpoint)
Offset -02.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Comp.freecooling Pj
(PConsig. verano)
Offset -02.0°C
Dif. 02.0°C
This screen is used to set the offset with respect to the summer setpoint and the regulation differential of the
damper for temperature-based free cooling control.
The third line in the screen is used to set the offset with respect to the summer setpoint for temperature-based
free cooling control.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the air temperature differential for temperature-based summer free
cooling regulation.
Serr.freeheating Pk
(Setpoint invernale)
Offset 04.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Freeh.shutter Pk
(winter setpoint)
Offset 04.0°C
Diff. 02.0°C
Comp.freeheating Pk
(PConsig. invierno)
Offset 04.0°C
Dif. 02.0°C
This screen is used to set the offset with respect to the winter setpoint and the regulation differential of the
damper for temperature-based free heating control.
The third line in the screen is used to set the offset with respect to the winter setpoint and the regulation
differential of the damper for temperature-based free heating control.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the air temperature differential for temperature-based free heating
Minima apertura Pl
serr.esterna 30%
Apertura invernale
serr.esterna NORMALE
External shutter Pl
minimum opening 30%
Winter ext.shutter
start-up NORMAL
Mínima apertura Pl
comp.externa 30%
Apertura invierno
comp.externa NORMAL
This screen is used to set the min. opening value of the external air damper and the damper opening mode in
winter mode.
The third line in the screen is used to set min. opening of the external air damper.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the damper opening mode in winter mode.
Minima apertura
serr.ricircolo 30%
damper minimum 30%
Mínima apertura
. 30%
This mask allows to set the minimum opening for the recirculation air damper.