We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
This screen is used to set the date and time: the day is selected automatically.
Inserire K1
Insert K1
Insertar K1
Enter the password and press the Enter button: the default password is 0001.
The following screens appear where the time slots can be set.
Abilita fasce K2
orarie giornaliere N
Abilita off unità
da fascie: N
Daily time zone K2
enable: N
Unit OFF by time
zone enable: N
Habil.franjas K2
horario laboral N
Habil. OFF unidad
de franja: N
This screen is used to enable the daily time slots (second line) and switching off the unit outside the time slots
(fourth line).
Fasce orarie K3
Inizio 08:00
Fine 18:00
Daily time zone K3
Start 08:00
Ending 18:00
Fr. horarias K3
Inicio 08:00
Fin 18:00
This screen is used to set the start and end time of the daily time slot.
Fasce orarie K4
Funzionamento estivo
Set interno 27.0°C
Set esterno 30.0°C
Time zone K4
Summer working
Internal set 27.0°C
External set 30.0°C
Fr. horarias K4
Funcionamento verano
Set interno 27.0°C
Set externo 30.0°C
This screen is used to set the summer operating setpoints within and outside the time slot.
Fasce orarie K5
Set interno 20.0°C
Set esterno 16.0°C
Time zone K5
Winter working
Internal set 20.0°C
External set 16.0°C
Fr. horarias K5
Set interno 20.0°C
Set externo 16.0°C
This screen is used to set the winter operating setpoints within and outside the time slot.
Abilita OFF K6
unità da fascia
settimanale N
Unit OFF K6
by week time zone
enable N
Habil. OFF K6
unid. de franja
semanal N
This screen is used to enable weekly programming of the unit switch-on.
Fasce orarie K7
Lun N Mar N Mer N
Gio N Ven N Sab N
Dom N
Time zone K7
Mon N Tue N Wed N
Thu N Fri N Sat N
Sun N
Fr. Horarias K7
Lun N Mar N Mie N
Jue N Vie N Sab N
Dom N
This screen is used to set the days in the week on which the unit is ON (S) or OFF (N).
Inserire K8
Insert K8
Insertar K8
This screen is used to change the Clock menu password. After setting the new password, press Enter to