We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Antigelo durante PB
OFF unità
Set T.mandata 2.0°C
Diff.T.mandata 0.5°C
Antifreeze during PB
unit OFF
Supply T.set 2.0°C
Supply T.diff. 0.5°C
Antihiel durante PB
OFF unid.
Set T.impuls. 2.0°C
Dif.T.impuls. 0.5°C
This screen is only displayed if the hot water coil is enabled as the heating device. It is used to set the
temperature threshold in the air delivery line at which the hot water coil anti-freeze procedure gets started, and
the differential beyond which the procedure stops when the unit is in OFF mode.
The third line in the screen is used to set the temperature threshold in the air delivery line at which the hot
water coil anti-freeze procedure gets started.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the differential value at which the alarm is enabled again
Antigelo durante PC
OFF unità
Apertura valvola
Antifreeze during PC
unit OFF
Valve opening
Antihiel durante PC
OFF unid.
Apertura Vàlvula
This screen is only displayed if the hot water coil is enabled as the heating device. It is used to set opening of
the water valve when the hot water coil anti-freeze procedure is enabled with the unit in OFF mode.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set opening of the water valve when the hot water coil anti-freeze
procedure is enabled.
Soglia temp. P8
interna estiva
Superiore 35.0°C
Inferiore 15.0°C
Summer internal P8
High 35.0°C
Low 15.0°C
Umbral temp. P8
interna verano
Superior 35.0°C
Inferior 15.0°C
This screen is used to set the max. and min. value of the ambient temperature in summer mode. When the
max. limit is exceeded, alarm AL06 triggers to warn about high ambient air temperature; when the temperature
drops below the min. limit, alarm AL07 triggers to warn about low ambient air temperature.
The third line in the screen is used to set the max. ambient temperature value.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the min. ambient temperature value.
Soglia temp. P9
interna invernale
Superiore 35.0°C
Inferiore 15.0°C
Winter internal P9
High 35.0°C
Low 15.0°C
Umbral temp. P9
interna inverno
Superior 35.0°C
Inferior 15.0°C
This screen is used to set the max. and min. value of the ambient temperature in winter mode. When the max.
limit is exceeded, alarm AL06 triggers to warn about high ambient air temperature; when the temperature drops
below the min. limit, alarm AL07 triggers to warn about low ambient air temperature.
The third line in the screen is used to set the max. ambient temperature value.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the min. ambient temperature value.
Ritardo allarme Pa
temp.interna 030min
Abil.flussostato S
Alarm delay Pa
Internal High/Low
temperature 030min
Enable flowswitch Y
Retardo alarma Pa
temp.interna 030min
Habil.flujostato S
This screen is used to set the delay in the activation of the high and low ambient air pressure alarms in both
summer and winter mode, and to enable the air flow switch.
The third line in the screen is used to set the delay in the activation of the high and low air ambient temperature
The fourth line in the screen is used to enable the air flow switch.
Limite Pb
setpoint umidità
Superiore 80.0%Ur
Inferiore 25.0%Ur
Humidity Pb
setpoint limit
High 80.0%rH
Low 25.0%rH
Límite Pb
PConsig humedad
Superior 80.0%HR
Inferior 25.0%HR
This screen is used to set the humidity setpoint range.
The third line in the screen is used to set the max. humidity setpoint.