We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
We recommend that the default password not be changed because the risk is that you can
no longer access the protected menus if you forget the new password.
If the password is changed, we recommend writing the new password down in the Notes
pages at the end of this manual.
7.8 Maintenance menu
The Maintenance menu is designed to view the unit data, the featured software and controller type, and the
hours of operation of the main unit components. The password-protected area in the menu is used to set the
thresholds of the hours of component operation, to reset the hour meters, to calibrate the probes fitted in the
unit, to reset the alarm history, and to test the controller outputs.
Select the item “Maintenance” in the menu and click Enter to access the Maintenance branch: screen Ax
appears on the display.
Lingua corrente Ax
premere tasto
ENTER per cambiare
Current language: Ax
press ENTER to
change language
Idioma actual Ax
pulsar tecla
ENTER para cambiar
This screen is used to select the language of the controller, from those available. Press Enter to set a new
Dati unità Ay
Matricola: 12345678
Data coll.: 01/01/18
Collaudatore: 0653
Unit data Ay
Serial n.: 12345678
Test data: 01/01/18
Tester: 0653
Datos unidad Ay
N.de serie: 12345678
Data ens.: 01/01/18
Ensayador: 0653
The screen shows the following unit data: the serial number, the factory acceptance test date, and the ID of
the tester who has carried out FAT.
Roof Top A0
Ver.:3.0 01/03/18
Roof Top A0
Ver.:3.0 01/03/18
Roof Top A0
Ver.:3.0 01/03/18
The screen shows the code, version and release date of the software as well as the unit model.
Bios: 6.44 08/12/17
Boot: 5.02 30/03/13
Bios: 6.44 08/12/17
Boot: 5.02 30/03/13
Bios: 6.44 08/12/17
Boot: 5.02 30/03/13
The screen shows the version and date of both controller board BIOS and BOOT.
Hardware A2
Scheda :pCO5+
Installed A2
pCO board
Board :pCO5+
Hardware A2
The screen shows the model and type of controller board.
Ore funzionamento A3
Unità 000000h
Working hours A3
Unit 000000h
Horas func. A3
Unid. 000000h
The screen shows the hours of unit operation.
Ore funzionamento A4
Comp.1 000000h
Comp.2 000000h
Working hours A4
Compressor 1 000000h
Compressor 2 000000h
Horas func. A4
Comp.1 000000h
Comp.2 000000h