IndraMotion MLD allows accessing all local inputs and outputs of the drive
With IndraMotion MLD, cyclic command values and actual values of a master
control unit can be used as inputs and outputs.
"Rexroth Inline" I/Os can also be used in single-axis operation in
MLD-M system mode (without other axes). Up to four "Rexroth In‐
line" I/O modules can be operated.
The I/O channel has the following features:
Inputs and outputs are in the respective process image.
There is one common process image for all tasks.
The PLC works in byte-oriented form according to IEC 61131.
Distribution of physical inputs/outputs between drive and PLC is possi‐
ble via IDNs (parameters).
Changes in the I/O configuration take effect after switching from param‐
eter mode to operating mode.
The I/O channel is configured by means of IndraWorks dialogs.
Inputs and outputs are only updated when they are used in the program.
Safe values in case the connection is interrupted or in "STOP"
Reset of all outputs in "STOP", "RESET" or, if applicable, "Watch‐
dog" states
Reset of all inputs in case the communication is interrupted
Update of process input images
(PII) max. T
/2 (500 µs for ADVANCED) before the PLC task. If inputs
are read via the master communication or via CCD, the update of the
process input images is additionally delayed by the corresponding bus
cycle time.
Update of process output images
(POI) max. T
/2 (500 µs for ADVANCED) after the PLC task. If out‐
puts are written via the master communication or via CCD, the update of
the process output images is additionally delayed by the corresponding
bus cycle time.
Pertinent Parameters
The following parameters are used in conjunction with the I/O channel (proc‐
ess image):
Process Input Images (PIIs):
P-0-1390 to P-0-1409, P-0-1440 to P-0-1447 (please observe the avail‐
ability specified in the parameter description)
Process Output Images (POIs):
P-0-1410 to P-0-1429 (please observe the availability specified in the
parameter description)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01