What to do after an exception without IndraLogic on the drive
The parameter P-0-1365 contains the address information (can be read by
accessing any parameter).
getp P-0-01365
PLC error message 126 Chars
= 'Id:000007E7 Hex; Time:000027BF s; Par:00000000 Text:WORD zero division;
Pou:215; Ofs:232
; Task = MyTask1;
The POU number allows drawing the conclusion about the POU in which the
error has occurred. If this POU is called by several tasks, the task in question
can be evaluated. The offset ("Ofs") can be used for finding the program line.
In IndraLogic, the corresponding function block can be retrieved by means of
the second number in brackets at the POUs.
To find the code line, open the compile file <project name>.bpl and search
the breakpoint list of the concerned function block. To do this, first search the
function block by means of its name or its number (in brackets). The list of
the function block contains the line numbers with address offset and POU
number. Convert the offset (232 in this case) to hexadecimal syntax (00E8 in
this case) and search the line with the same or next higher offset (line 10 in
this case). With this line number you can retrieve the point in IndraLogic.
ZeroDiff.bpl (compile file):
MYFB1 (0)(201): 0010-0134
0001 0010[215]
0002 001C[215]
0003 0028[215]
0004 0034[215]
0005 0040[215]
0006 0064[215]
0007 0092[215]
0008 00BE[215]
0009 00CA[215] -> The affected line numbers 9 and 10 can be recognized
0010 0124[215]
0012 0134[215]
Service functions
Service functions of the PLC (IndraMotion MLD)
Service functions in IndraWorks (IndraLogic)
IndraWorks or IndraLogic provides the following service functions:
"Download"/"Online change"/"Load boot project"
See "
Loading the IndraLogic project to the drive
Before leaving the installation, it is necessary to make sure that
the boot project is updated, so that no outdated project is loaded
after a restart.
"Clean all"/"Compile all"
"Clean all" clears information of the last download and the last compila‐
tion process.
In contrast to (incremental) "Compile", the complete project is recom‐
piled with "Compile all". When this is done, the download information,
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Diagnostic and service functions
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01