It is only possible to access the "User" directory of the external memory card
of the drive; in this directory, you can delete directories / files or create direc‐
tories to store files belonging to the project, for example.
From an MLD program, the "User" directory can be accessed by
means of the "SysFile"/"SysFileAsync" and "SysDir" libraries.
Fig. 9-2:
Device Editor: Files
The "Log" tab page is used to display the logbook of the control unit, i.e. to
display events that were recorded on the target.
The tab page can be switched on and off via Tools ▶ Op‐
tions ▶ IndraLogic 2G ▶ General Settings ▶ Enable PLC logger.
These events are displayed:
Events when starting and stopping the system (loaded components with
Application download and loading of the boot project
Customer-specific entries
Log entries of I/O drivers
Log entries of the DataServer
Fig. 9-3:
Device Editor: Log
A logbook entry is displayed with the following pieces of information:
Severity: There are four categories for the severity of the event: Warn‐
ing, error, exception, information. Each category can be shown or hid‐
den by clicking the corresponding button in the row above the list. The
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Diagnostic and service functions
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01