Operation mode
Secondary operation mode 3
Drive-controlled positioning
Secondary operation mode 4
Velocity synchronization
Requires enabling of functional packages
Tab. 5-7:
Operation modes for "Motion Control" command interface
If the packages for the operation modes cannot be enabled, the
relevant operation mode is set to "velocity control". The con‐
cerned motion function blocks then are not operable and signal
the corresponding error.
Processing in IndraMotion MLD-S
With IndraMotion MLD-S, the parameter inputs for the operation modes are
directly written by the PLC motion system. The concerned parameters are lis‐
ted in the Library Description under the function blocks. When a motion com‐
mand is activated, the corresponding operation mode is selected and all cor‐
responding input parameters are synchronously transmitted to the drive.
General use
Observe the following points when using the motion channel:
Axes can be commanded from several preemptive tasks.
In a motion cycle (e.g., in 1 ms), all axes can be simultaneously com‐
In a motion cycle, parallel motion inputs (primary and secondary com‐
mand values) per axis can be simultaneously commanded (up to 3
Even in the case of commands transmitted in quick succession, it is en‐
sured that the last command is processed.
Several commands transmitted in the same cycle for the same
drive are initially stored in a FIFO memory and then processed by
the command interpreter. It is possible to buffer 3 commands.
When too many commands are transmitted and an overflow oc‐
curs, an error is signaled.
When a task transmits a command, it overwrites a command which
the interpreter possibly has not fetched yet. The command thus
overwritten signals "CommandAborted" in its instance.
If the command was triggered by the same instance, the message
cannot be generated.
A new command with a primary command value aborts running com‐
mands with secondary command values.
Secondary command values can only be commanded in the correct
drive status: A new command with a secondary command value is only
accepted, when the corresponding port was commanded. The corre‐
sponding operation mode is checked.
As far as commanding in concerned, the virtual master axis behaves
like a real axis, i.e., it has its own axis number!
The paragraphs below contain information on how to use some specific mo‐
tion function blocks:
During the homing procedure, a subordinate "MC_Halt" has to be called or its
function fulfilled so that any present "Drive Halt" (AH) is replaced by a posi‐
tioning stop. The command itself is not started before successful completion
of switchover to positioning stop.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01