The configuration dialog for activating the DHCP service is called via
"DHCP". After the password has been entered, "DHCP" is activated. When a
fixed IP address is entered, "DHCP" is automatically deactivated.
"Device name" menu
For exact identification in the network, each device can be given a device
name. The dialog for inputting the device name is called via "Device name".
"Registry"/"Touch Registry" menu
The "Registry" menu only exists for devices with keypad; the "Touch Regis‐
try" menu only exists for devices with touchscreen operation.
Both menus feature the "Save Registry" and "SNTP Settings" functions. The
"Start Calibration" and "Change Display Mode" functions are only available
for devices with touchscreen operation.
Fig. 6-37:
"Registry" menu for devices with keypad
Fig. 6-38:
"Registry" menu for devices with touchscreen
"Save Registry"
If Windows CE is used as the operating system, settings made in the "Regis‐
try" are not automatically stored. The storage of the Registry has to be man‐
ually activated. The Registry settings are stored via menu item "Save Regis‐
When "Setup-Main" is exited, the system asks whether the set‐
tings made should be applied to the Registry. If you finish the dia‐
log with "Yes", the Registry settings are stored. If you want to dis‐
card the changes, confirm the dialog with "No".
"SNTP Settings"
"Setup-Main" of the VCPxx.2 devices provides the option of synchronizing
the terminal time with a server. To do this, the server name with which syn‐
chronization is to take place has to be entered under the "SNTP Settings"
menu item. The synchronization interval must also be entered (in minutes).
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Visualization and engineering interfaces
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01