P-0-1800.0.1, bit8="0", bit7="1": Error reaction for function block errors
When an axis or function block commanding error occurs, only the
affected axis carries out its selective error reaction, while all other
axes remain in control.
Warning E2140 is displayed in the CCD master.
Function block commanding errors shut down the affected slave
axis with "Rfaus".
P-0-1800.0.1, bit8="1", bit7="0": Master-controlled synchronous error re‐
action of the entire CCD/MLD group
When an axis or function block commanding error occurs in an ax‐
is, a synchronous and coordinated error reaction for the entire
group is carried out in the master (NC reaction).
Error F2140 is displayed in the CCD master, and error Fxxxx in
each slave axis.
All axes are shut down with the ramp parameterized in the master
(cf. P-0-0119).
When the master is not in control (e.g., "Ab"), then warning E2140
is generated in the master instead of error F2140!
P-0-1800.0.1, bit8="1", bit7="1": Immediate error reaction of the
CCD/MLD group
When an axis or function block commanding error occurs in an ax‐
is, the best possible deceleration (cf. P-0-0119) is initiated in the
master for all axes (local or remote) by deleting bit 15 in the control
word (cf. S-0-0134).
Error F2140 is displayed in the CCD master, and error Fxxxx in
each slave axis.
All axes are shut down with the ramp parameterized locally (cf.
When the master is not in control (e.g., "Ab"), warning E2140 is
generated in the master instead of error F2140!
Notes on application and programming
MLD and CCD error reaction are interconnected, see also Func‐
tional Description of firmware "Cross communication (CCD)".
CCD error reaction
Note the following points in regard to the CCD error reaction:
The error reaction to function block errors is only activated if both of the
following conditions are met:
The error reaction to function block errors is configured in P-0-1367
(bit 7="0")
The error reaction to function block errors is configured in
P-0-1800.0.1 (bit 8="1", bit 7="1")
In the MLD-M system mode, the diagnostic message number (cf.
S-0-0390) is automatically configured in the AT (drive telegram) of all
CCD slaves, meaning the axes that have triggered an error cannot be
selectively chosen.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01