Fig. 7-20:
Checking the User Inputs for the Archiving Options
10. To create the archive, click the Finish button.
Importing an Archived MLD Project
The following steps describe what to do to restore an archived MLD project.
Make sure that the same or a higher version of IndraWorks MLD as used
when the archive was created is installed on the PC with which the archived
MLD project is restored.
When the archived MLD project is to be used in a CCD group, the CCD
group has to be commissioned before the MLD project is restored:
1. Set the following parameters according to configuration of installation:
CCD slave: Drive address (P-0-4089.0.3) and, if necessary, selec‐
tion of functional packages (P-0-2003).
CCD master: If necessary, selection of functional packages
(P-0-2003) and setting of TCP/IP communication (P-0-1531 ...
Changes in the enabling of functional packages and in the TCP/IP
communication settings only take effect at the next restart of the
2. In IndraWorks MLD, set desired type of communication (serial or
TCP/IP) and go online with the drive (CCD master). Switch the drive on‐
line via "Switch Online" in the context menu of the drive (right-click the
drive branch in the project tree).
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01