With Login, a connection between IndraLogic and the drive is es‐
tablished (or the simulation program starts) and the system
switches to online mode. Selecting the "Login" command automati‐
cally finishes compiling or loads a program to the drive, if these
have not yet been done.
PLC projects can only be edited and loaded to the drive when log‐
ged in.
Logout terminates the connection to the drive.
Start switches the PLC to "RUN mode", while Stop switches the
PLC to "STOP mode".
Add adds additional function blocks, POUs (PLC subprograms), tasks,
data servers, data types, etc. to the PLC project.
Export / Import exports or imports PLC programs, function blocks, func‐
tions, etc. The file extension for these export files is "*.iwx".
Compare is used to compare two PLC projects to each other.
Rename is used to change the names of the elements under the
"Application" branch.
Find element allows searches for words/expressions in a PLC project.
Print preview shows a preview of the printout of the selected file.
Print allows all of the components in the IndraLogic project to be selec‐
ted. Once the components have been selected, Next >> goes to the
next dialog, where the printout can be set up. From here, Finish is used
to automatically start the print job on the default printer.
Other print settings, such as selecting another printer, can be
configured by going to File ▶ Print settings....
New view displays the selected program section in its own window.
Properties… is where project settings can be viewed and some of them
Local I/Os
The digital and analog inputs/outputs can be divided between drive functions
and MLD using the dialogs in the "Local I/Os" branch. Assigning them to the
MLD also sets the configuration in the process image (see "
tion interfaces and data channels
The context menu can be used to configure MLD as a multi-axis control
(MLD-M). The MLD-M multi-axis application is available with firmware version
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01