played in the format configured under "Display format registers Ax". The con‐
tents of the PLC registers can be edited from the dialog.
The PLC registers AT0 and AT1 are text registers and can contain a maxi‐
mum of 255 characters each.
The PLC register AL0 is a list register with 8,192 elements (4 bytes each).
The format set in "Display format registers Ax" applies to all 8,192 elements.
The Ax PLC registers are not buffered, i.e., their contents are lost
in case voltage fails.
Diagnostics PLC registers Gx
This dialog displays the contents of the PLC registers G0 to G31, as well as
PLC registers GL0 to GL2. The contents of the PLC registers G0 to G31 are
displayed in the format configured under "Display format registers Gx". The
contents of the PLC registers can be edited from the dialog.
The PLC registers GL0 to GL2 are list registers with 1,024 elements (4 bytes
each). The format set in "Display format registers Gx" applies to all 1,024 ele‐
All Gx PLC registers are buffered, i.e., their contents are retained
in case voltage fails.
Change IndraLogic device version
The "Change IndraLogic device version" function can be used to change the
device version (IndraWorks package) or add a new device version. Device
versions (IndraWorks packages) can only be changed once any critical errors
have been corrected. In general, changed device versions are included with
IndraWorks releases.
Export / Import
PLC program sections are exported and imported here. The default export
file ends in "*.iwx". Only corresponding files can be imported.
The "Compare" function allows two project files to be compared to one anoth‐
er. Both the source file and the target file have to be specified.
Find element
The "Find element" function allows searches for words/expressions in a PLC
Double-clicking "Configuration" opens the "Configuration - Indradrive" dialog.
This dialog allows the start behavior of MLD to be set and some settings for
motion control to be configured.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01