What makes sense is a counter in each task which allows easily moni‐
toring whether the code is processed. Besides, it is shown how often and
how fast a task is running.
There are the following options available for locating errors:
FlowControl displays the parts of the program that are run through.
"FlowControl" greatly slows down the PLC program.
Force lists are used to permanently overwrite variables (e.g., simulation
of a hardware switch). Force lists are cleared with "Logout", "Reset" and
Tracing PLC exceptions
For PLC exceptions, such as division by zero or exceeding of the range, it is
advantageous to be able to quickly find the corresponding point in the PLC
source code.
Debugging after start-up
After start-up, the error "F6010 PLC runtime error" is generated when a PLC
exception occurs. In this case, the programming interface jumps to the faulty
program code and highlights it with a color. The parameter P-0-1365 contains
information on the cause of error and on the affected POU (Program Organi‐
zation Unit) (this information is also displayed in IndraWorks in the
"Messages" window).
Fig. 9-6:
Displaying a PLC exception after start-up
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Diagnostic and service functions
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01