Installing the IW package
In the Project Explorer, open the context menu at the MLD branch and
select Change IndraLogic device version.
The "Change IndraLogic device version" dialog opens.
Click the "Install IW package" link:
Fig. 7-36:
Installing the IW package
The "Open file" Windows dialog opens.
Select the package to be installed (only files with the ".iwpackage" ex‐
tension can be selected).
The installation can take some time.
After the installation a new device version is available in the drop down
list for selection.
Select the new device version via the drop down list.
Click the Change device version button.
After the device version has been changed, the project should be
From the main menu, go to Build ▶ Clean all.
The cleaned project has to be recompiled:
From the main menu, go to Build ▶ Rebuild all.
The cleaned and recompiled project will be loaded to the control
unit with the next "Login".
Adapting PLC project to a different
IndraLogic device version
If a PLC project has to be adapted to a different firmware release or a differ‐
ent firmware is to be selected, the device version has to be changed; the pro‐
cedure is described under "
Compatibility between versions
", in the "Changing
the device version" instructions.
Importing an external library file
To import an external library file, proceed as follows:
1. Start IndraWorks MLD.
2. In the Project Explorer, open the context menu (by right-clicking) of the
Logic branch.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01