For devices with touchscreen operation, an input panel appears on the dis‐
play whenever input is required.
It is also possible to connect a keyboard or mouse to the
"IndraControl VCP" and "IndraControl VEP" operator terminals for
navigation and operation purposes.
Step 1: Calling "Setup-Main"
The "Setup-Main" (Launch) can be called after the operator terminal has
been started. The call dialog appears on the display of the terminal for about
2 seconds.
For devices with keypad, "Setup-Main" is called by pressing the "Enter" key;
for devices with touch-screen operation, "Setup-Main" is called by pressing
the corresponding touch button. This opens the main menu of the Launch.
Fig. 6-14:
Main menu of "Setup-Main" for devices with touchscreen operation
Step 2: Calling "IP Settings"
Clicking the "IP Settings" button opens the following menu:
Fig. 6-15:
"IP Settings"
"IP Settings" allows you to define a fixed IP address in the device, activate
the DHCP service, assign a device name or display the currently entered IP
address and the device name.
When entering the "Fix Settings", "DHCP", "Gateway" and "De‐
vice Name" screens, you are requested to enter a password.
The password for entering the configuration masks of the IP set‐
tings is "+-+-"; the password cannot be changed.
Step 3: Calling "Fix Settings"
Clicking the "Fix Settings" button opens the following menu:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Visualization and engineering interfaces
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01