With IndraDrive C/M/Cs: Unplug programming module / control
panel from the defective device.
With IndraDrive Mi: Dismount programming module (X107) from
the defective device, write down positions of the address selector
switches S4 and S5 (the address selector switches are to be found
under the connections X103.1 and X103.2).
Mount programming module / control panel
With IndraDrive C/M/Cs: Plug programming module / control panel
of the defective device in the new controller.
With IndraDrive Mi:
Set the address selector switches in the same way as for the
defective device.
Dismount cover from slot X107.
Plug programming module of the defective device in the re‐
placement device.
Mount cover of slot X107.
NOTE: Damage to the programming module caused by pene‐
tration of dirt or moisture. When mounting the cover of X107,
make sure that the sealing ring is undamaged and fits correct‐
Mount new controller.
The controller must be replaced by a device of the identical type.
Only in this way is it ensured that the originally configured func‐
tions can be used in unchanged form.
Connect device according to machine circuit diagram
Putting Controller and Machine In‐
to Ready-For-Operation State
Restore control voltage.
Put machine into ready-for-operation state again according to the ma‐
chine manufacturer's instructions.
Activate safety technology (only for active Safe Motion with
S3/S4 option)
With single-axis devices, the following message appears on the display
of the control panel during the booting process:
"Load new Safety?"
With double-axis devices, the following message appears on the display
of the control panel during the booting process:
".1 Load new Safety?" for Axis 1 or ".2 Load new Safety?" for Axis 2
Pressing the "Enter" key at the control panel acknowledges the mes‐
sage. The safety technology parameters are now loaded from the con‐
trol panel to memory of the optional safety technology module.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Diagnostic and service functions
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01