The command values of the "AxisData" structure are written directly before
the master data telegram (MDT
) is transmitted to all CCD slave axes and
therefore are part of the MDT.
Motion task in synchronism with
The motion task in synchronism with CCD (see "Basic functions of Rexroth
IndraMotion MLD", section "
") runs synchronously to the CCD
cycle, i.e., the motion task starts after the CCD AT is processed and ends be‐
fore the next CCD MDT is processed. It is possible to consistently access all
data of the "AxisData" structure within the motion task in synchronism with
CCD. If other tasks access the axis data structure, the actual values and
command values should be read or written at the beginning of the task, if
possible. The consistency of the data of the "AxisData" structure cannot be
guaranteed in this case.
No motion task in synchronism
with CCD
If no motion task in synchronism with CCD is used, consistent access to the
data in the "AxisData" structure cannot be guaranteed. In this case, it is rec‐
ommended to read or write the actual values and command values at the be‐
ginning of the task.
The consistency of individual structure elements is achieved by
the hardware architecture (max. 32 bits).
Accessing elements in "AxisData"
These are some examples of code for accessing the elements of "AxisData".
Declaration in "MX_Base":
AxisData : ARRAY[1..10] OF
Examples of use in the PLC program:
bMyStandstill :=
AxisData[MyAxis.AxisNo].dwUserCmdDataA_q.REAL :=
rTorque :=
Activating "AxisData"
The "AxisData" structure can be activated via the menu in IndraWorks (see
figure below). To do this, select the "AxisData structure supported" option
from the "PLC configuration" dialog (corresponds to "P-0-1367, PLC configu‐
ration", bit6=1).
Command values for the individual CCD slaves
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01