Note 1
In this status ("ErrorStop" or "Stopping"), all function blocks can be called, although they cannot be executed
except for "MC_Reset" and "Error(?)", which respectively trigger a transition to "StandStill" or "ErrorStop"
Note 2
Power.Enable = TRUE and there is an error in the axis
Note 3
Power.Enable = TRUE and there is no error in the axis (standard without MB_PresetMode)
Note 4
MC_Stop.Done AND NOT MC_Stop.Execute
Note 4a
New motion command while NOT MB_Stop.Execute (without MC_Stop)
Note 5
If "Enable" is removed from "MC_Power" in any status, the drive goes to "PowerOff"
Note 6
"MB_PreSetMode" is used to reach the "PreSetMode" state. Commanding is possible in this mode without
power. Switching on with "Power" causes the preselected mode to start
Note 7
A rising edge at "Enable" of "MC_Power" starts a preselectable mode from the "PreSetMode" state
Note 8
An edge at "MC_Power" without prior commanding in the "PreSetMode" state causes an error and then
Tab. 5-6:
Legend for figure "Motion state diagram"
Programming takes place with the function blocks of the "MX_PLCopen" li‐
brary. The function blocks have been designed in such a way that they are
cyclically called. They are normally activated by an input edge and provide in‐
formation on status outputs. The exact functional principles are described in
the respective library documentation.
The "MX_PLCopen" library contains function blocks for motion control, such
as "MC_MoveAbsolute" or "MC_Stop", as well as function blocks for axis con‐
trol, such as "MC_Power" and "MC_Reset", which are used to bring the axis
in control or clear an error.
After the local axis has activated permanent control, the required operation
modes of the axes are parameterized automatically. The operation modes
thereby are automatically selected. Normally it is not necessary to make fur‐
ther settings.
During commissioning, the axes have to be scaled in the corresponding dia‐
logs of the IndraWorks commissioning software. At the motion function
blocks, the preset values are set via the function block inputs as physical val‐
Other settings
Other settings, such as the jerk, cannot be parameterized at the function
blocks, but have to be set in the IndraWorks commissioning software. If such
values are to be changed, they can be set at runtime via the parameter chan‐
nel (e.g., "MB_WriteParameter").
Master axis generator
As far as commanding is concerned, the master axis generator is an inde‐
pendent axis for the user. The axis can be moved with some motion function
blocks and stopped with "MB_Stop" / "MC_Stop".
To use the master axis generator, it must be activated once.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01