Fig. 7-39:
Writing byte by byte
Address access with different data types
Access via flags
The "Merker_LByte" and "Merker_HByte" flags are used to write the bytes no.
200 and 201. The "Merker_WORD" flag with address "%MW100"
(100 * 2Byte=200) is to read a 16-bit value. "Merker_WORD" in this example
has the same address as "Merker_LByte".
For systems with different byte orders, "Merker_WORD" is used to read dif‐
ferent values.
Fig. 7-40:
Value with Big Endian (as of MPx17): "Merker_WORD = 256"
To compensate the byte order in the PLC program, the addressing of the
byte flags must simply be adjusted in the variable declaration.
Fig. 7-41:
Adjusting the addressing of the byte flags in the variable declaration
Access via pointers
In a test program, values are assigned to the "arWORD" field of the "WORD"
type. A pointer initialized with the start address of the field is to be used to
read a value of the "DWORD" type. This value is checked in an IF query. De‐
pending on the result, a "bDummy" variable is set. In the first figure, the IF
query is successful and the "bDummy" variable is set to TRUE.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01