Even programs using the real-time channel can be changed in
online mode. The system automatically modifies the configuration
of cyclic data exchange.
Load boot project
In order that a project runs after the drive has been switched on again, it must
be loaded as a boot project. "Load boot project" loads the current project to
the drive.
You have to be "Online" to load the boot project (logged into the
drive). Otherwise, the boot files will only be generated on the PC
but not transmitted to the drive.
When the control section with an external memory card is used,
the boot project can alternatively be stored on the memory card
as a file (specific "MLD configuration" in IndraWorks or corre‐
sponding parameterization of P-0-1367).
The program compiled in binary form is stored in parameters in compressed
form. For this purpose, a specific compression method is used which ach‐
ieves compression to a remaining size of typically 35% to 50%.
The boot project is currently stored in the following parameters (the parame‐
ters are administrated by the system and must not be directly changed by the
P-0-1352, PLC user program administration data
P-0-1353, PLC user program area 0
P-0-1354, PLC user program area 1
P-0-1355, PLC user program area 2
P-0-1356, PLC user program area 3
For the size of the boot project, there are approx. 650 kB availa‐
ble in parameters and 8 MB on the external memory card which
allows storing big programs and filing the PLC sources and user
files in parameters.
If a boot project is too big, it cannot be stored and an error message is gener‐
ated while it is loading.
However, the loading process is not immediately aborted; after a while, an‐
other error message is displayed signaling that the boot project could not be
Automatically loading the boot
When a new project is created, the boot project is set to automatically gener‐
ate after every download. This prevents the boot project from failing to gener‐
ate although changes to the project are loaded.
If the transmission times are too long with large projects and a se‐
rial connection, you can switch off automatic loading of the boot
project in the target settings (IndraLogic). In this case, make sure
to load the boot project before logging out!
Exporting/importing an IndraWorks project
Exporting an IndraWorks project is not yet possible in IndraWorks MLD. It is
planned to provide the export function in IndraWorks MLD; the complete proj‐
ect will then be copied to an XML file to allow editing it in an external applica‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01