"CCD" is the abbreviation of Cross Communication Drives, the interface for
cross communication based on sercos III. Devices in the
"Rexroth IndraDrive" range can be configured with the "CCD" option to allow
electronic (digital) coupling of drives and I/O devices.
CCD master / CCD slave
The "CCD master" is a drive with "CCD" option (sercos III master interface)
which acts like an external control unit for the "CCD slaves" (drives with
"CCD" option [sercos III slave interface]) of a CCD group.
Local axis
The "local axis" for MLD-S is the axis of the drive, and for MLD-M the axis in
the drive with the "CCD" option (sercos III master interface).
Remote axes
For MLD-M, "remote axes" are the axes in the CCD slaves.
Virtual master axis
The drive contains a master axis generator. It can be controlled like a real ax‐
is and then simulates axis motion. The position of this master axis can be
used as input for the local and remote axis. MLD can control this master axis
via the motion function blocks.
"AT" is the abbreviation of "Antriebstelegramm" (drive telegram). The drive
telegram is transmitted from the slave to the master via the real-time data
"MDT" is the abbreviation of Master Data Telegram. The master data tele‐
gram is transmitted from the master to the slave via the real-time data chan‐
"PII" is the abbreviation of "Process Input Image". In the task cycle, the
switch states are read at the inputs before the program code is called and
stored in the PII. This information then is transmitted to the control program
and processed.
"POI" is the abbreviation of "Process Output Image". The states in the POI
are transmitted to the physical outputs at the end of the task after the pro‐
gram code has been processed.
Run-up mode
For drives with sercos III interface as master communication, the run-up
mode allows decoupling the connection between communication phase and
device status. For drives without a master communication interface or for
drives with a master communication interface other than the sercos III inter‐
face, run-up mode defines the device status of the drive after boot-up (ope‐
rating mode or parameter mode).
Device control
General information
The device control defines how the basic operating states of the primary sys‐
tem blocks interact.
Master communication
The drive (in this case with embedded MLD) can be linked to a master control
unit via the master communication (sercos slave interface or field bus slave
interface). The bus-specific state machine controls the initialization of the
communication system (until cyclic data exchange has been established,
e.g., sercos communication phases 0 to 4). This state machine is controlled
by the bus master or the state of the bus itself.
A bus-compatible master communication interface is optional.
See also Functional Description: "Communication phases of master commu‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01