"Commanding master": Selecting "MLD-M in CCD master (MLD-M sys‐
tem mode)" runs MLD as a multi-axis control:
"Communication phase": Shows the current sercos III phase.
"Cycle time": The sercos III cycle time can be configured here.
"Configuration for sercos slaves": The slave axes controlled by MLD-M
can be configured here.
"Pos.": Position of the CCD slave in the sercos III line.
"Addr. found": CCD slave address found (P-0-1603). Shows all drives
found via sercos III.
"Config. addr.": Configured CCD slave address (P-0-1636). The desired
topology of the found slaves can be configured here.
"Configured as": (P-0-1601[drive] or P-0-1604[compact I/O]). This field
displays all CCD slaves currently controlled via MLD-M.
The "Up" and "Down" buttons move the position of the selected slave up
or down. "Undo" reverses any changes made with "Up" and "Down".
The "Assign configured addresses to slaves" button sets the addresses
of the CCD slaves to the command topology (P-0-1636). All axes listed
here can be accessed via MLD. The address to be set in the PLC is
based on the order of configured slaves. Addressing takes place as fol‐
Axis1 always addresses the local axis (which is not displayed in
this case).
Axis2 addresses the first configured slave.
Axis3 addresses the second configured slave.
Axis10 addresses the ninth configured slave.
Control panel
The control panel can be used to check whether or not the optional
"ML"/"MA" expansion package has been enabled in the drive and whether or
not the PLC functionality can be used.
After control voltage has been switched on, the drive boots up. During the
booting process, messages will appear on the display. Before the "Boot 2.9"
message appears, the "Esc" and "Enter" keys have to be simultaneously
pressed and held. If the PLC has been enabled ("ML" or "MA" firmware pack‐
age licensed), the "PLC ?" message appears on the display.
The arrow keys on the control panel can be used to switch between "Run
PLC" and "Stop PLC". If an operable PLC project has been stored in the
drive, it can be started with "Run PLC". The option shown on the display can
be selected by pressing "Enter".
Important information on specific IndraLogic 2G functionalities
IndraLogic 2G is the PLC programming interface for different PLC systems
that has been integrated in IndraWorks MLD.
Please note the following:
System events are not supported.
The parameter manager is not supported. Network variables are sup‐
ported as of version MPx-18VRS.
The "Update unused I/Os" functionality is not supported. Instead, the I/O
ranges are displayed in IndraWorks MLD.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01