Basic IEC function blocks
PLCopen function blocks
Technology libraries
Bosch Rexroth develops sector- and application-based technology func‐
tion blocks and provides them in the form of technology libraries (e.g.,
programmable return motion, cross cutter function, etc.):
Motion functions (Tech_Motion.library)
Extended drive functions (Tech_Drive.library)
Extended diagnostic functions (Tech_Diag.library)
User libraries
The user can also program function blocks or packages and compile
them in their own user libraries.
The user program can consist of any combination of function libraries, tech‐
nology packages and user libraries.
Using technology packages and turnkey solutions
In addition to the option of freely programming "IndraMotion MLD", the inte‐
grated PLC can be used as a basic function when using ready-made, self-
contained solutions (e.g., technology packages). Using the functions does not
require any programming knowledge. Only the commissioning software is re‐
quired in order to reload the extensions or technology functions as needed
and parameterize them, if necessary.
The following characteristics are available:
Technology package (encapsulated technology function)
Compiled PLC project which is loaded to the drive as a self-contained
"spj" file (parameter file). The technology function is operated like a "nor‐
mal firmware function" via P-parameters and does not require any pro‐
gramming knowledge. There are the following types:
Motion functions (e.g., process controller, winding computation,
cross cutter, etc.)
Extended drive functions (e.g., event functions, programmable
error reactions, quick stop, etc.)
Extended diagnostic functions (e.g., "Productivity Agent")
Turnkey solutions ("all-inclusive package")
Self-contained (ready-made) system solutions with system documenta‐
tion that can be ordered individually. No programming knowledge re‐
quired. Any existing interdependencies are taken into account or avoi‐
Encapsulated technology functions or "turnkey solutions" cannot
use the extended PLC memory.
Technology packages have been programmed in IEC and can be
loaded via the commissioning software as projects in the form of
parameter sets or integrated in a project as function blocks from
During operation, only the runtime of the PLC is required as a
platform for the technology functions and extended drive func‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01