IndraWorks, or by directly writing the corresponding parameters of the I/O
Interaction of the sercos configuration in MLD (IO) and the CCD configura‐
IndraWorks automatically configures the MLD master with the data of
the CCD master. This ensures the consistent addressing of the nodes.
During phase switch, the CCD master checks whether or not the config‐
uration of the sercos I/O modules is correct. The CCD master also
checks the addressing of the sercos I/O. The MLD master checks
whether or not the type and equipment of the sercos I/O are correct.
The latter can only happen when the communication via the sercos ring
is possible.
Process images of the inputs/
In contrast to the local inputs/outputs, the addresses in the process images of
the inputs/outputs, which are assigned to the sercos I/O, are not fixed. The
address ranges, starting with %IB0 and %QB0, are reserved by the local in‐
puts/outputs; therefore, the addresses from the unassigned range after the
local I/Os are consecutively assigned when the sercos I/O modules are cre‐
With the "I/O mapping", it is possible to assign, e.g., project varia‐
bles used by the application, to the input, output and memory ad‐
dresses of the control device. Furthermore, address values can
be changed and fixed.
In the firmware there are not any parameters available for the
process images of the inputs/outputs of the sercos I/O. Therefore,
the sercos I/O cannot be used by parameters links in the drive via
the master communication, or for the inputs and outputs of re‐
mote and local axes.
The process images of the inputs/outputs of the sercos I/O are
only updated when the CCD ring is in communication phase 4.
Otherwise, all inputs of the sercos I/O are set to zero.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01