Checking data types
Check the use of the data types to avoid compiling errors ahead of converting
the project. Check the proper use of the "INT"/"WORD" and "DINT"/"REAL"
data types. The compiler of the MLD-2G's runtime system checks the proper
use of the data types very strictly.
Target Settings
If a project is to be used that was already developed in MLD-1G, make sure
to deactivate "Trace" in "Target Settings". If "Trace" remains activated, the
PLC program cannot be imported.
Fig. 10-1:
Adding to MLD-2G
Adding a project
The user interface for programming and visualization in MLD-2G is integrated
into IndraWorks as of version IndraWorks MLD 13VRS.
Existing programs that were already developed in MLD-1G can be imported
as follows:
1. In the IndraWorks Project Explorer, select the project to which you
would like to import the MLD-1G project.
2. Expand the MLD ▶ Logic project tree and right-click on Application.
3. Select Import data… from the context menu.
⇒ The standard Windows dialog box for opening a file appears.
4. If necessary, set the file filter to "IndraLogic project file" to limit the varie‐
ty of files to be opened to files with the ".pro" extension.
Select the project file you want to import.
⇒ The dialog box for selecting the objects to be imported opens.
5. Select the objects you want to import and confirm your selection with
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Converting projects
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01