Chapter 13: Avaya Spaces on Avaya
Avaya Spaces is a cloud-based team collaboration and meeting application. It seamlessly integrates
voice, video, tasks, sharing, and more into your browser or the Spaces application.
Avaya Vantage
comes with the Avaya Spaces application installed on it except for regions, such as
Russia, which require media encryption to be disabled.
In the Spaces tab of the menu bar, you can create your own spaces. You can invite participants to
your Space by entering their email addresses. You can set different permissions for each participant
based on the type of actions to take within your Space. If you have many Spaces, you can
categorize the frequently used as favorites.
You can privately share documents and even escalate your chat with audio or video. The Posts area
includes all the documents and files that you or your teammates shared. You can click on any of the
posts to make comments, download the file, or attach more items, perhaps a revised version if you
are editing a document.
You can assign tasks to other members of your space. Tasks are simply things that need to get
done. You can also set due dates and post additional comments.
In the People tab of the menu bar, you can start private conversations with other users. In private
chats, you can share documents and escalate your chat with audio or video.
This chapter describes the Avaya Spaces integration with Avaya Vantage
built-in Unified
Communications experience and other advanced features that Avaya Spaces supports on Avaya
. For information about managing and using Spaces meeting rooms, see
Avaya Spaces
User Manual
Integration with Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience
Avaya Spaces integrates with the Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience. You can use the Avaya
built-in UC experience:
• To open the Avaya Spaces application
• To join a Spaces meeting from the
Interaction with Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience
• An active call on Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience is put on hold if you make a call on
Avaya Spaces.
• When you make or answer a call on Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience, an active call on
the Avaya Spaces application ends.
• The last used transducer is synchronized automatically between Avaya Vantage
built-in UC
experience and the Avaya Spaces application.
April 2021
Using Avaya Vantage