• Without meeting ID:
Example: https://meetings.avaya.com/portal/tenants/1023/
Meeting ID
: The meeting ID of the virtual meeting room.
If the conference URL contains the meeting ID, this field is automatically populated.
Otherwise, you must enter the ID manually.
3. Tap
Avaya Vantage
opens the virtual meeting room.
Viewing participants in a meeting
1. In the virtual meeting room, tap .
The Participants window displays the list of participants.
To close the Participants window and go back to the meeting room, tap
Calendar meeting notification alert
If you log in to your Microsoft Exchange Calendar in Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience, you
get a notification alert 1 minute before a calendar meeting is scheduled to start. You can tap the
notification alert to see the meeting details and to quickly join the meeting.
Related links
Logging in to the Calendar service
on page 58
Joining Avaya Spaces meetings from Avaya Vantage built-in UC experience
Joining a meeting from the Calendar screen
About this task
You can tap to join a meeting in your calendar using the Avaya Vantage
built-in UC experience.
The conference meeting details must have at least a dial-in phone number or a conference URL
complete with the meeting ID.
1. Tap the
2. Next to the meeting you want to join, tap or .
Working with conference calls
April 2021
Using Avaya Vantage