XAUI v12.3 Product Guide
PG053 April 6, 2016
Chapter 3:
Designing with the Core
Keep It Registered
To simplify timing and increase system performance in an FPGA design, keep all inputs and
outputs registered between your application and the core. This means that all inputs and
outputs from your application should come from, or connect to a flip-flop. While
registering signals might not be possible for all paths, it simplifies timing analysis and
makes it easier for the Xilinx
tools to place and route the design.
Recognize Timing Critical Signals
The supplied constraint file provided with the example design for the core identifies the
critical signals and the timing constraints that should be applied. See
for further information.
Use Supported Design Flows
The core HDL is added to the open Vivado® Design Suite project. Later the core is
synthesized along with the rest of the project as part of project synthesis.
Make Only Allowed Modifications
The XAUI core is not user-modifiable. Do not make modifications as they might have
adverse effects on system timing and protocol compliance. Supported user configurations
of the XAUI core can only be made by selecting the options from within the Vivado Design
Suite when the core is generated. See