MedWeld 4000 Overview
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Modified: 12/16/08
MedWeld 4000 Operator’s Guide
M-032116 Programs #T03300, #T02300 and #T02400
Discrete Interface (
, where the weld control can exchange I/O
with a machine, robot or portable gun controller. In this scheme,
inputs (typically running on 24 VDC) and output devices (usually
120 VAC) have their own independent physical connections.
These communication systems add flexibility to the WTC design,
providing full-function and programming capabilities. You can program
99 independent weld schedules, then assign a weld schedule to one of 99
independent steppers (to compensate for lost current density).
You can program a weld function to use either Automatic Voltage
Compensation (to maintain a desired primary voltage) or Automatic
Current Compensation (to maintain constant secondary current).
The MedWeld 4000 can perform the weld, delay, slope, pulsation or
timing functions that your application requires. Other features allow
control of outputs, and monitor the status of inputs.