Setup Parameters
MedWeld 4000 Operator’s Guide
Modified: 9/17/08
5 - 17
M-032116 Programs #T03300, #T02300 and #T02400
Inverter Fault Status
(MFDC - T023xx
The setup parameters in this section apply only to programs such as
T02300, which use medium frequency direct current welding inverters.
The MFDC inverter generates these fault conditions, based on operating
conditions during the weld. They are uploaded to the weld processor via
the MedLAN link. They upload either at the end of the weld sequence,
or when the processor executes Function #78 (PROCESS WELD
You program these faults from the weld processor, using either the Data
Entry Panel or other programming device.
The inverter will generate this fault condition when it detects that it
was not able to provide sufficient line voltage in the constant
primary voltage firing mode. (The Firing Mode setup parameter is
set to PRI VOLTAGE.)
The inverter generates this condition when it detects that
The current draw was greater than the rated primary current
limit (programmed in the Maximum Primary Current setup
parameter), AND
At least two (but no more than six) mid-frequency half-cycles
were terminated because the inverter reached a soft overcurrent
When using the PRI CURRENT firing mode, the inverter will
generate this fault condition if it detects that it could not obtain the
requested current during three or more consecutive mid-frequency
In all firing modes, the current set point is reached before the
masking interval ends on 4 or more consecutive high-frequency
In the PRIMARY I and SECONDARY I firing modes, the
Maximum on or Flux Limit is reached on 4 or more consecutive
high-frequency half-cycles.