Weld Schedules
4 - 6
Modified: 9/17/08
MedWeld 4000 Operator’s Guide
M-032116 Programs #T03300, #T02300 and #T02400
When monitoring secondary current, the minimum “no-weld” current
for the selected current range will be used for ACC and stepper
increment. This is versus the 16 A. no-weld current used when
monitoring primary current. The SCIB minimum “no-weld” cycle
currents for 25 kA., 50 kA. and 100 kA. jumper settings are 300, 600 and
1,200 A., respectively.
Other Functions
Controlling Weld
For all weld functions,
= 20 – 99. The processor can fire a
range from 20% to 99% I.
SLOPE nn CY mm %I TO mm %I
SLOPE nn CY nnnn0 AMPS TO nnnn0 AMPS
These functions provide weld current that starts at the first value and
increases or decreases linearly to the second value over the number of
cycles specified. Function #40 uses AVC firing mode. Function #45
uses ACC firing.
Either function will fire for the number of cycles specified. For
example, the function
SLOPE 30 CY 45% I TO 65% I
tells the control to fire one cycle at 45% of the maximum available
current. Then, over the next 29 cycles, gradually increase the heat
provided to 65%.
The processor can fire a range from 20% to 99% I. AVC faults may occur
when firing at or near these ranges.
However, by defining the slope as an
(Function #60 appears
before this function in the schedule), the weld processor gradually
increases the energy provided by each impulse, until it has sloped to the
desired energy.
30 cycles
SLOPE 30 CY 45%I TO 65%I
Time (Cycles)