Genie_TS_Series GigE Vision Camera
Minimum Sapera Version Required
Save User Configuration Failed: An unusual error that occurred with no other Genie control
problem. The solution is to verify the minimum Sapera version used with the Genie Framework.
The Genie TS requires Sapera version 7.20 or later (use Sapera LT version 7.50 or later for
decoding acquisitions by the JPEG firmware design).
Issues with Cognex VisionPro
When the Cognex VisionPro package is uninstalled, the Genie TS becomes not available within
CamExpert due to the Cognex uninstaller removing GigE Vision components. This forces a Genie TS
user to reinstall the framework package.
Cognex VisionPro remains a useable third party product except for their uninstaller fault. Genie TS
users just need to account for this issue until resolved by Cognex.