Genie_TS_Series GigE Vision Camera
These symptoms are described in detail by Microsoft support at this link
Without covering the details mentioned in the Microsoft support web page, the solution involves
deleting two registry keys in the host computer. This procedure should only be done by someone
comfortable with Windows registry backups and editing. These registry keys can be deleted via the
following command console instructions:
REG DELETE HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Security /f
REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{ce166e40-1e72-45b9-94c9-3b2050e8f180} /f
Reboot the computer after execution.
Automatic Installation stalls when using Foreign Language Windows
With some foreign language Windows there is a problem where the installation of a required filter
driver does not proceed automatically. Until this issue is resolved by Teledyne DALSA engineering,
follow the instructions in Appendix A: Framework Installation Issues with Foreign Language
Device Available with Operational Issues
This section considers issues with cabling, Ethernet switches, multiple cameras, and camera
exposure. All information concerning the Teledyne DALSA Network Configuration Tool and other
networking considerations, is available in the
Teledyne DALSA Network Imaging manual
Firmware Updates
As a general rule any Genie installation must include the firmware update procedure (see
). Genie camera firmware that does not match a newer
version of installed Genie Framework software is likely to have unpredictable behavior. Problems
might be:
Genie is not found by the device discovery process.
Genie is found by the Sapera GigE Server but an application such as CamExpert does not see
the camera.
A Genie that had a fault with a firmware update will automatically recover by booting with the
previous firmware version.
: New Genie cameras installed in previously deployed systems are fully backward
compatible with the older vision application.