Operational Reference
Genie_TS_Series GigE Vision Camera
BinningHorizontal Add the BinningHorizontal value used during the image
acquisition to the metada attached to the image.
Sets the enable state of the selected metadata. When
enabled, the metadata is included in the payload of the
False Selected metadata Disabled
Metadata Enable
True Selected metadata Enabled
Extracting Metadata Stored in a Sapera Buffer
The image acquisition buffer size must be increased by a minimum of 256 bytes. For many
cameras a buffer size increase of one video line is sufficient.
Metadata is stored immediately following the acquired image data.
To enable inclusion of metadata (chunk data) use the Metadata Control features described in
this section.
To extract metadata stored with each image, incorporate the supplied header files
) within your application. See
Application Development Header Files for the default installation location.
When developing applications without using Sapera LT, request the metadata header files from
Teledyne DALSA. These headers define the data structure to access the Genie TS image
Function Description:
DALSA_GENIE_CHUNK_Extract( void *pRawChunk, UINT32 rawSize, DALSA_GENIE_CHUNK_INFO *pChunkInfo)
pRawChunk: Pointer to the raw chunk data in the Sapera buffer
rawSize: Size of the rawChunk data in bytes (this is the max size of the buffer – set it to 256)
pChunkInfo: Caller allocated buffer that is filled with the extracted Meta Data
Acquisition and Transfer Control Category
The Genie TS Acquisition and Transfer controls, as shown by CamExpert, groups parameters used
to configure the optional acquisition modes of the device. These features provide the mechanism to
either have acquisitions coupled to transfers (basic mode) or to decouple acquisitions from both the
camera transfer module and the host transfer module.
Parameters in gray are read only, either always or due to another parameter being disabled.
Parameters in black are user set in CamExpert or programmable via an imaging application.
Features listed in the description table but tagged as
are usually for Teledyne DALSA or
third party software usage—not typically needed by end user applications. Also important, Genie
TS cameras are available in a number of models implementing different sensors and image
resolutions which may not support the full feature set defined in this category.