Operational Reference
Genie_TS_Series GigE Vision Camera
For any selected ROI, the Offset X/Offset Y features define the upper left corner of the ROI.
Offset, Width, and Height features have individual increment values (step size) to consider.
The first ROI of any row sets the “height value” for any other ROI in that row.
The first ROI of any column sets the “width value” of any other ROI in that column.
The following graphics show examples of the multi-ROI function (2x1 and 2x2 areas), the resultant
camera output, and the constraints when configuring the ROI areas.
Example: Two Horizontal ROI Areas (2x1)
ROI (x1,y1)
ROI (x2,y1)
ROI (x1,y1)
ROI (x2,y1)
2 ROI Areas Defined
Camera Outputs only the 2 ROI Areas
Note that ROI(x1,y1) defines the height of any ROI in that row.
ROI(x2,y1) can have a different width.
The camera output image frame consists only of the two ROI areas. The user must account for
the change between ROI data for each output image row.
The output image being smaller, reduces the bandwidth requirements.
Example: Four ROI Areas (2x2)
ROI (x1,y1)
ROI (x2,y1)
ROI (x1,y1)
ROI (x2,y1)
4 ROI Areas Defined
Camera Outputs only the 4 ROI Areas
ROI (x1,y2)
ROI (x2,y2)
ROI (x1,y2)
ROI (x2,y2)
Note that ROI(x1,y1) defines the height of any ROI in that row.