Siemens Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
9 Partitions
[TM 513] Each partition has a number from 1 to 6 (for SI120: 1 to 2) indicated by
the control panel. In online modus there is info {yellow fields} about the particular
partition status. In case of maintenance {green fields}, there is a possibility to
change the Partition mode: and the alarms in memory.
Alarm in Memory
Delete alarm(s) in memory by pressing the “Reset Alarm” button.
Partition Status
Display several information of the partition. The partition status can be
changed “Full Setting” or “Part Setting”
9.1 Name
Each partition can be given a name consisting of up to 16 characters. This name
will be displayed on the LCD remote keypad depending on the user rights.
9.2 Partition
[TM51] Partition type can be defined when entering the system parameter options.
Main Partition
Main partitions can be set or unset regardless of the status of other partitions.
(SI220 only)
Sub-partition is a partition which always depends on at least one main partition. A sub-partition can
dependent on a virtual one. The sub-partition must be set before the main partition to which it is assigned, or
the sub-partition is automatically set when the first of the assigned main partitions is set.
Virtual Partition
(SI220 only)
The virtual partition can not be set or unset independently. A virtual partition is always dependent on at least
two main or sub-partitions. The status of virtual partitions always depends on the status of assigned main
partitions. The virtual partition is set when the "last" of the assigned main or sub-partitions is full set.
It is unset when one of the assigned main or sub-partitions is set to unset.
A virtual partition can not be set to part set. So you can’t associate an input programmed with a logical type
depending of the partial setting of the partition,” like “Burglar alarm full/part set”, or “Pulse switch part set”, to
this virtual partition.
A virtual partition has no partition parameters of its own. The parameters of the "least significant" main parti-
tion apply.
A virtual partition always belongs to the "least significant" main partition with regard to alarms and transmis-
Summary of Contents for SI120
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