DL4300 Appliance
Understanding SNMP settings
Use this procedure to configure SNMP settings for the Core.
1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
On the icon bar, click
(Settings), and then do one of the following:
From the list of Core settings on the left side of the Settings page, click SNMP Configuration.
Scroll down on the right side of the Settings page until you can see the SNMP Configuration heading.
The SNMP Configuration settings appear.
3. Modify the SNMP settings as described in the following table.
Table 21. SNMP connection settings information
Text Box
Incoming port
Enter a port number for the SNMP connection.
The default setting is 8161.
Trap receiver port
Enter a port number for the trap receiver.
The default setting is 162.
Trap receiver host name
Enter a host name for the SNMP connection.
The default host name is localhost.
For each setting, when satisfied with your changes, click
to save the change and exit edit mode, or
to exit edit mode without saving.
Parent topic
Downloading the SNMP MIB file
The Simple Network Management Protocol is used to monitor devices on a network for conditions that require
attention. When the Rapid Recovery Core is set as an SNMP agent, the Core report information such as alerts,
repository status, and protected machines. This information can be read by an SNMP host using a standalone
application called an SNMP browser.
Data objects managed by SNMP agents are organized into a Management Information Base (MIB) file that
contains Object Identifiers (OIDs). Each OID identifies a variable that can be read or set using SNMP.
You can download a MIB file from the Rapid Recovery Core. This file, named dell-aa-core.mib, can then be read
by an SNMP browser in a more user-friendly fashion than data it receives directly from the Core.
Use this procedure to download the SNMP MIB file from the Rapid Recovery Core.
1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
On the icon bar, click (More) and then click Downloads.
The Downloads page appears.
3. Scroll down to the Other Files pane.
4. To download the MIB file, click the SNMP MIB file download link.