DL4300 Appliance
Configuring notification groups
Enter a description that clarifies the purpose for the
event notification group. This information is optional.
4. On the Enable Alerts tab, define the set of system events that you want to log, create reports for, and for
which you want to be alerted, as follows:
All Alerts
To create alerts for all events, select All Alerts.
To create alerts for errors, from the Select Types
menu, click Error. This is represented by a red X.
To create alerts for errors, from the Select Types
menu, click Warning. This is represented by a yellow
exclamation point icon.
To create alerts for informational messages,
from the Select Types menu, click Info. This is
represented by a blue i.
Restore Default
To restore alert types to the default, from the
Select Types menu, click Restore Default. This is
represented by a dark blue left-facing arrow.
5. To create alerts for a specific event type (error, warning, or informational message), do the following:
a. If the All Alerts option does not display alert groups, click the right angle bracket > symbol
preceding the All Alerts label. The symbol changes to a downward-facing arrow, and the view
expands to show groups.
b. Then click the right angle bracket > symbol next to any specific alert group to display related
events in the group.