DL4300 Appliance
About configuring repetition reduction
Notify by email
Designate the recipients of the email notification.
You can choose to specify separate multiple email
addresses as well as blind and carbon copies.
You can choose:
Notify by Windows Event Log
Select this option if you want alerts to be reported
through the Windows Event Log.
Notify by syslogd
Select this option if you want alerts to be reported
through syslogd. Specify the details for the syslogd
in the following text boxes:
Notify by Toast alerts
Select this option if you want the alert to appear as a
pop-up in the lower-right corner of your screen.
Notify by Alerts
Select this option if you want alerts to appear as
pop-up windows located at the bottom right side of
the Core Console.
Notify by SNMP trap
The Rapid Recovery Core serves as an SNMP
agent, sending traps (notifications about specific
events) to an SNMP manager. The result is the
reporting of Core information such as alerts,
repository status, and protected machines. Select
this option if you want to notify Core events by
SNMP trap. You must also specify a trap number.
For example, the default trap number used by the
Rapid Recovery Core is 162.
8. Click OK.
You will see a message indicating that the notification group name you defined cannot be changed after
creating the group. Other properties within the notification group can be changed at any time.
If you are satisfied with the group name, confirm this message and save your work.
If you want to change the group name, click No to return to the Create Notification Group window, update the
group name and any other notification group settings, and save your work.
The notification group appears in the summary table. You can create different notification groups using any
set of parameters.
Parent topic
About configuring repetition reduction
The ability for administrators to receive alerts upon certain events is critical. Nonetheless, in certain
circumstances, receiving repeated notification of events that you are aware of can also be frustrating or