DL4300 Appliance
About managing Exchange and SQL servers in Rapid Recovery Core
After installing the Agent software, each machine must be restarted after installation.
For more information on how to protect workstations and servers, see
Rapid Recovery does not support bare metal restore (BMRs) of Linux machines with ext2 boot
partitions. Any BMR performed on a machine with this type of partition results in a machine that does not
start. If you want to be able to perform a BMR on a Linux machine with an ext2 boot partition, you must
convert the ext2 boot partition to ext3 or ext4 before you begin protecting and backing up the machine.
Parent topic
About protecting Linux machines with Rapid Recovery
The Rapid Recovery Agent software is compatible with multiple Linux-based operating systems (for details, see
the system requirements included in Rapid Recovery Installation and Upgrade Guide or Rapid Recovery Release
Notes). The Rapid Recovery Core is compatible only with Windows machines. While you can manage protected
Linux machines from the Rapid Recovery Core Console, several procedures for Linux machines have steps that
differ from their Windows counterparts. Additionally, you can perform some actions directly on a protected Linux
machine by using the local_mount command line utility.
The local_mount utility was formerly called aamount.
Parent topic
About managing Exchange and SQL servers in Rapid Recovery
Options specific to Exchange Server and SQL Server appear in the Rapid Recovery Core Console only when an
instance of the software and related files are detected on protected servers. In those cases, additional options are
available when you select the protected machine in the Core Console.
For example, if you select a protected Exchange server in the left navigation menu, then the menu options that
appear for that protected machine include an Exchange drop-down menu option.
If you select a protected SQL server in the left navigation menu, then the menu options that appear for that
protected machine include a SQL drop-down menu.
While these options may work differently, there is some commonality. Functions you can accomplish for protected
Exchange and SQL servers (and for no other protected machines) include:
Forcing server log truncation. Both SQL servers and Exchange servers include server logs. The process of truncating
SQL logs identifies available space on the server. When you truncate logs for an Exchange server, in addition to
identifying the available space, the process frees up more space on the server.
Setting credentials for the relevant server. Exchange servers allow you to set credentials for the protected machine on
the Summary page for the protected server. SQL servers allow you to set credentials for a single protected SQL Server
machine, or to set default credentials for all protected SQL servers.
Viewing status for checks on recovery points from Exchange Server or SQL Server. Recovery points captured from a
protected SQL or Exchange server have corresponding color status indicators. These colors indicate the success or
failure of various checks relevant for SQL servers or Exchange servers.