DL4300 Appliance
Consuming the seed drive on a target Core
Add all Agents to Seed Drive
Select this option to replicate all protected machines
on the source core using the seed drive. This option
is selected by default.
Build recovery point chains (fix orphans)
Select this option to replicate the entire recovery
point chain to the seed drive. This option is selected
by default.
Typical seeding in Rapid Recovery
5.4 replicates only the latest recovery point
to the seed drive, which reduces the amount
of time and space required for creating
the seed drive. Opting to build recovery
point (RP) chains to the seed drive requires
enough space on the seed drive to store
the latest recovery points from the specified
protected machine or machines, and may
take additional time to complete the task.
g. Do one of the following:
If you cleared the Add all Agents to Seed Drive check box, click Next.
If you selected Add all Agents to Seed Drive, go to
h. On the Protected Machines page of the wizard, select the protected machines you want to
replicate to the target Core using the seed drive.
5. Click Finish.
Parent topic
Consuming the seed drive on a target Core
Complete the follow procedure to consume the data from the seed drive file on the target Core.
This procedure is only necessary if a seed drive file was created as part of
Replicating to a third-party target Core
1. If the seed drive file was saved to a portable storage device, such as a USB drive, connect the drive to the
target Core.
2. On the target Core, open the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and from the icon bar, click (Replication).
The Replication page appears.
3. On the Replication page, under Incoming Replication, click the drop-down menu for the correct source
Core, and then select Consume.
The Consume dialog box appears.
4. In the Location type field, select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
5. Enter the details for the seed drive archive file, as described in the following table based on the location
type you selected in