DL4300 Appliance
Managing protected machines
Changing the settings for a Hyper-V protected virtual machine
This procedure applies to Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs) that are protected using
Rapid Recovery Rapid Snap for Virtual (agentless protection).
A Hyper-V VM that is being protected by Rapid Snap for Virtual (agentless protection) is indicated in the left
navigation area by the host icon . The settings for a Hyper-V agentless VM the same as a typical protected
machine with the exception of the Hyper-V section at the bottom of the Settings page. The following task provides
instructions for only the Hyper-V section settings. For all other protected machine settings, see
modifying protected machine settings
1. On the Core Console, in the left navigation area under Protected Machines, click the Hyper-V VM whose
settings you want to change.
The Summary page for the VM opens.
2. On the menu bar for the host, click Settings.
The Settings page opens.
3. In the list on the left side, click Hyper-V.
The setting you selected becomes editable, as a text field or a drop-down menu.
4. Under Hyper-V, click Snapshot configuration.
The setting you selected becomes editable a drop-down menu.
5. From the drop-down menu, select one of the options described in the following table.
Table 75. Hyper-V settings information
Text Box
Try to create VSS snapshot during transfer first, if it
fails, create a checkpoint
If the VSS snapshot succeeds, the recovery point
will be in an application-consistent state. If the VSS
snapshot fails and a checkpoint is created, the
recovery point will be in a crash-consistent state.
Do not create VSS snapshot during transfer
Generates a recovery point in a crash-consistent
Use only VSS snapshots during transfers. If VSS
snapshot creation fails, the entire transfer will fail
Generates only application-consistent recovery
points. If the VSS snapshot fails, no recovery point is
Parent topic
Changing the vSphere settings for a VMware protected virtual machine
This procedure applies to VMware ESXi or Workstation virtual machines (VMs) that are
protected using Rapid Recovery Rapid Snap for Virtual (agentless protection).
The settings for a VMware VM that is protected agentlessly include the same settings that are used for a typical
protected machine, with one exception. The vSphere section of the Settings page includes settings that apply only
to agentlessly protected VMware VMs. The following task provides instructions for only the vSphere section of the
Settings page. For all other protected machine settings, see
Viewing and modifying protected machine settings
1. On the Core Console, under Protected Machines in the left navigation area, click the Hyper-V host whose
settings you want to change.
The Summary page for the host opens.
2. On the menu bar for the host, click Settings.
The Settings page opens.
3. In the list on the left side, click vSphere.