Parameter Reference
AC30V series Variable Speed Drive
Auto Restart
Setup:: Motor Control::Auto Restart
Parameters::Motor Control::Auto Restart
The Auto Restart feature provides the facility to automatically reset a choice of trip events and restart the drive with a programmed number of
attempts. The number of attempted restarts is monitored. A manual or remote trip reset is required if the drive is not successfully restarted within
the maximum number of restarts. The purpose of this feature is to allow automatic recovery from trip conditions. This is especially useful on
remote or unmonitored sites.
Parameter Descriptions
AR Enable
Enables the auto restart function.
AR Mode
Defines the action that the AR function will take following a trip.
Trips will be reset when the trip sources are inactive. The drive will not be restarted.
1. AUTO RESTART If it was running the drive will be restarted when the trip sources are inactive and run is active.
The drive will be started when the trip sources are inactive if the run signal is high
Refer to the Functional Description below for more details.
AR Max Restarts
Defines the maximum number of restart attempts permitted before the AR function disables itself.
AR Trip Mask
Defines the trip causes that the AR feature will attempt to automatically reset, followed by an attempt to restart the drive if
Refer to Chapter 10 “Trips and Fault Finding” for details of the value corresponding to each trip.
AR Initial Delay
The timein seconds for which the AR feature will wait before attempting to restart the drive for the first restart attempt, (
1509 AR
Restarts Remaining
1471 AR Max Restarts
). The delay time is started once all trips have become inactive.
The delay time is ignored if the AR feature is configured to simply reset the trip without attempting to restart the motor.
AR Repeat Delay
The time in seconds for which the AR feature will wait before attempting to restart the drive for the second and subsequent restart
attempts, (
1509 AR Restarts Remaining
is not equal to
1471 AR Max Restarts
). The delay time is started once all trips have
become inactive.
The delay time is ignored if the AR feature is configured to simply reset the trip without attempting to restart the motor.