Parameter Reference
AC30V series Variable Speed Drive
Induction Motor Data
Setup::Motor Control::Induction Motor Data
Parameters::Motor Control::Induction Motor Data
Only available if IM MOTOR selected in
Control Mode
PNO Parameter Descriptions
Magnetising Current
The no load current of the induction motor, defined as rotor flux / magnetising inductance, usually given the title "imr".
Rotor Time Constant
Induction Motor rotor time constant.
Leakage Inductance
Induction motor leakage inductance. Displayed as star or delta equivalent value according to "Per Phase Parameters" setting.
Stator Resistance
Induction motor stator resistance. Displayed as star or delta equivalent value according to "Per Phase Parameters" setting.
Mutual Inductance
Induction motor mutual inductance. Displayed as star or delta equivalent value according to "Per Phase Parameters" setting.