IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
54 / 137
Bitwise access to input and
output data
Optionally, you can address input and output data areas bitwise. The
functions 01 Read Coil Status, 02 Read Input Status and 05 Force
Single Coil are defined in Modbus for this purpose. Since each bit
has a separate address, they are assigned to the bits in the registers
as follows: coil 0x0001 corresponds to the lowest value bit 0 of
register 0x1001, coil 0x0002 corresponds to bit 1, etc. coil 0x11 is the
bit 0 from register 0x1002 etc.
The table below shows the start and end addresses of the data
Memory Register
Coil/Input Address
Input SSC
0x1001 - 0x1080
0x0001 – 0x0800
Input SDI
0x1401 – 0x1500
0x2001 – 0x3000
Input FBS
0x1801 - 0x1900
0x4001 – 0x6001
Output SSC
0x2001 – 0x2080
0x8001 – 0x8800
Output SDI
0x2401 – 0x2500
0xa001 – 0xb000
Output FBS
0x2801 - 0x2900
0xc001 – 0xe001
Memory Register