IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
127 / 137
SSC SSR Master Mode, configured registers
– You have selected "configured shift registers" as the configuration
source for the SSC.
In this menu you will find the following information:
– Number of shift registers used fieldbus specifically
– Number of status LEDs used
– Number of shift registers
– Bitrate
If the number of configured registers does not match the number of
connected registers or the shift register chain is not working, you will
see the message "Shift Register Chain not working“.
- SSC Status
<cr> = refresh; <Esc> = return
SSC SSR Master Mode, configured shift registers
Act. No. of Fieldbus Switch regs: 0
Act. No. of Fbus Status-LED regs: 0
Actual Number of Input registers: 4
Actual Number of Output registers: 2
Actual Bitrate: 4800 kBit/s
SSC SSR Master Mode, disabled
You will find this representation in one of the following cases:
– SSC SSR Master is switched off via the menu
– Invalid configuration of the number of input or output registers
– Transmission error due to unsuitable bitrate
– Other transmission errors (e.g. line interruption)
- SSC Status
<cr> = refresh; <Esc> = return
SSC SSR Master Mode, disabled