IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
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4.5 CDI - Configuration and Debug Interface
The user interface is a serial UART interface with 3.3V logic levels. In
order to connect it to the RS232 interface of a PC, an RS-232 driver
module is required on the base board, see the example application
circuit diagram, Annex 2. You can read and change parameters
using structured menus. The CDI is also used for downloading
scripts and firmware updates.
The CDI is suitable for configuration during the development and for
diagnostic purposes. Because all configuration settings are stored
internally in permanent memory registers, configuration is also
possible via the SDI or SPI interface. To configure several modules
automatically, we recommend performing the settings with "Modpoll".
"Modpoll" is freely-available software. You can find an introduction
and example of this in the Appendix "Configuration via Modpoll
We deliver the Module to you with the following default settings to
enable access via the CDI :
• 115200 bit/s
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• Even parity (Even)
In section CDI Menus, we have compiled a detailed description of the
menus for you.