IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
126 / 137
4.2 SDI Status
In this menu you will find information about the current interface
parameters and node ID.
If the interface is running in "Automatic Bitrate detection" mode and
no bitrate has been detected yet, the message "Actual Bitrate:
undefined" will be displayed instead of the interface parameters.
– SDI Status
<cr> = refresh; <Esc> = return
Modbus Node Address: 1
Actual Bitrate: 38400 Bit/s
Actual Parity: even
Actual Stopbits: 1 Stopbit
4.3 SSC Status
In this menu you will find information about the status of the SSC
interface. The representation is dependent on the selected mode and
SSC SSR Master Mode, auto detect shift registers
– You have selected "auto detect shift registers" as the configuration
source for the SSC.
In this menu you will find the following information:
– Number of shift registers used fieldbus specifically
– Number of status LEDs used
– Number of shift registers
– Bitrate
If the shift register chain is not working, the text "Shift Register chain
not working" will be displayed instead of the interface parameters.
- SSC Status
<cr> = refresh; <Esc> = return
SSC SSR Master Mode, auto detect shift registers
Act. No. of Fieldbus Switch regs: 0
Act. No. of Fbus Status-LED regs: 0
Actual Number of Input registers: 4
Actual Number of Output registers: 4
Actual Bitrate: 4800 kBit/s